Is there such a thing as Jinx's and Hex's?
I believe in everything happening for a reason. Are jinx's and such just an attempt at explaining these?
This year, our schools color guard is the biggest it's ever been and we've been trying to monoploize on that by being able to use different equipment all at the same time for a better effect.
Since after we got back from Disneyland (in late February), we've lost 7 people. 4 people quit (only two of them had a good reason and one of those reasons wasn't very good), one person was cut, one had to quit for medical reasons, and another one had to quit as of yesterday when he tripped over a bench and broke his leg, so another medical reason. We went from 18 people to almost as many as the year before.
Someone on our team said it's jinxed... possibly.
With all those differnt beliefs out there, it's funny to think that everyone has an idea about this.
Fate, coincidence, jinx's, hex's, curses, etc.